Monday, April 16, 2012

Saturday Soccer: Two games at once

Both the girls games were overlapping which has it's good side and it's bad side.
Good that we can get soccer over and done with at one time so we can get on without day- beneficial on extremely hot or cold days.
Bad that we cannot see both girls play at the same time.  Thankfully, their fields are next to each other, only separated by a fence and big hill. You can stand in one place and watch both, but it's like watching a ping-pong game.  Back and forth... You can easily get caught up in one game and miss out on the other.
This Saturday, Emily played goalie the first half for the first time.  Let me tell you, she was a BEAST!  She did such a great job that I started to tear up- maybe that was the hormones talking though.
Hope you enjoy the pictures and if you ever get a chance, come on out and catch a game or two!

Emily was right where ever the ball was.

Rebecca played midfield and is always pretty aggressive.

That girl was pushing just a bit to get the ball...

but you see who was faster, huh?

Emily has some great throw ins.

great form

Back to Rebecca...still playing aggressively.

ping-pong-ing it back to Emily who played forward the second half

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