Please check back often as our homeschooling life (schedule, curriculum, students) change.
Welcome to the P.J. Christian Academy page!
Our Class 2011-12
P.J.C.A. Class 2012-2013 |
BIBLE~ Reading through the Scriptures ( finishing up 2 Chron. at the end of Oct, 2012)
MATH~Saxon Algebra 1/2
ENGLISH~ Easy Grammar Plus
SPELLING~ Spelling Power
VOCABULARY~ Wordly Wise 3000
LITERATURE~ Currently reading Tirzah by Lucille Travis
SCIENCE~ Apologia General Science at CCA
HISTORY~ Bob Jones Ancient History
EXTRAS~ AWANA, Sunday school, church on Wednesdays, piano lessons, gymnastics, and soccer (fall/ spring) Skyhigh Basketball (winter)
Emily 2011-12 4th grade |
Emily 2012-13 5th grade |
5th Grade:
BIBLE~ Reading through the Scriptures
MATH~ Saxon 6 5
ENGLISH~ Bob Jones Grammar 5
SPELLING~ Spelling Power
VOCABULARY~ Wordly Wise 3000
VOCABULARY~ Wordly Wise 3000
PENMANSHIP~ this is done daily through regular writing, spelling and copy work
LITERATURE~ Currenly reading Tirzah by Lucille Travis
SCIENCE~ Health A Beka 5 and Bob Jones Science 6
SCIENCE~ Health A Beka 5 and Bob Jones Science 6
HISTORY~ Bob Jones Ancient History
EXTRAS~ AWANA, Sunday school, church on Wednesdays, piano lessons, gymnastics, and soccer (fall/ spring) Skyhigh basketball (winter)