Friday, February 24, 2012

Re-evaluating again...

I don't know why I do this to myself constantly. 
It is the end of February and I'm already trying to plan next school year.  Don't you think I should get them through this school year first?  I think I enjoy planning for the following year because I have ADD.  I have been saying that more and more lately.  I have been going from activity to activity, subject to subject, curriculum to curriculum... I need to FOCUS. 
Focus on what? 
Oh yeah, this school year. 
At this point, it feels like we will never be done.  I wanted to complete school by the end of May, but that's not going to happen. 

I need to re-evaluate my goals/focus points for this school year so, here it goes:
~*~Rebecca and Emily~*~
Bible- continue reading at least 2 chapters a day with the understanding that some chapters may take longer to explain

Math- Saxon 8/7 for Rebecca and Saxon 5/4 for Emily  They are doing great, working steadily and swiftly each day, understanding new concepts with ease :o)  There were tears over long division the other day, but that is understandable.  Long division can be difficult.

English- Bob Jones 7 and 4 for Rebecca and Emily respectively.  Goal is to work through the book doing at least 1 lesson daily skipping the writing portion so we can focus on IEW together once the Grammar portion is complete.

Spelling and Vocab- both have taken a back burner and it it shows.  They will both be required to do spelling or vocab daily, either on their own or with me, depending on the difficulty.

Science- Rebecca will continue reading and familiarizing herself with Apologia General Science even though she will repeat it next year.  This will give her a leg up on what I am assuming will be a difficult class. I will not expect her to take tests, but she will continue to answer the questions throughout the module and study questions at the end of each module.
Emily- we will continue taking a subject and expounding on it through living books and lapbooks. 

History- This is where my ADD (that I don't seriously have :o) shows bright.  We have used lapbooks, notebooks, living books, the states SOL standards, and now a literature approach.  I am enjoying reading to the girls each morning, and Rebecca will be the first to admit, she likes it too.  As to how much actual historical facts they are truly getting, I am unsure.  I can say that we are enjoying history and it will be a year to remember. 

Literature- We have not have a 'true' lit program, but the girls are reading age appropriate books, most that they enjoy, so I am ok with what we are doing right now.  The goal is 100 books recorded this year- 2012- since we have not been good record keepers prior to last month.  That in itself is a goal to work on- be a better record keeper.

Piano- Rebecca is flying through her books and is progressing nicely.  They have both been taking lessons for over 3 years now.  Rebecca is in level 3 and Emily is on level 2. As long as they continue to practice daily and progress, I am pleased.
Now that I have gone on and on, I will finish with a picture.  This weeks weather has been insane!  Snow on Sun. night- Monday, roads clear by Monday afternoon, mid 60's on Thursday and 82* today (Friday).  Unfortunately, the high for tomorrow is predicted to be 55.  Sheesh.

Sea World Nov 2011
That's how this week has been~ snow to short sleeves in a matter of days!

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