Saturday, January 26, 2013

2013 Missionary Dinner

One of the reasons we love our church so much is the fact that the pastor is passionate about missions. 
He has traveled around the world, helping other pastors in the mission field.
Each year, we have a Missions emphasis month. The last weekend of the month, we have several missionaries who are still on deputation, in need of support, come to our church. We have an International Finger Food Fellowship where each country is represented. The Sunday School classes take a country or region and decorate tables along with preparing food from that country. The missionaries also set up their tables with their info, prayer cards, etc and we have great fellowship as a church.
This year, Rebecca took her camera and  I'm proud to share her pictures with you.

The girls with some of their friends.

 Some of the many tables that were set up.These pictures do not do justice for what was presented tonight.
Maybe because she took these during the end of the prep stage, but some people really out did themselves.
Also, each year, the country changes and they are given just a couple short weeks to prepare. They do a great job decorating. Even though some of the food is questionable, most of it is actually very good.

Matt attempting to eat a balut.
Let me explain...
Several years ago, after a missions trip to the Philippines where the Pastor and some men had eaten balut, they challenged others in our church to try it.
A sweet little Filipino lady each year gets 20 balut and chocolate candy bars to chase the taste down although she says it is to enhance the flavor.
Rebecca just happened to be right across from Mr. Matt as he was attempting to eat one. He had the "soup" but after that, he had to stop. He put it on the table where the man across from him gobbled it up.
If you do not know what balut is and you have a strong stomach, you can look here.
If not, just don't worry about it.
Emily so wanted to try one but I had to put my foot down and say NO. Someone even offered me money to allow her.
Thankfully, that is one time I did not succumb to peer pressure- even after he upped the ante to $5.25! HA